Dempsey Middle School, Delaware City Schools
At Triad, we work to bring community aspirations to life. We value your vision and strive to build and care for the community you live in and leave for future generations.
Project Completion
July 2021
Construction Cost
$5.8 million
Client Contact
Jason Sherman, Director of Facilities & Transportation 740.833.1100

The client wanted to add a wing that included an orchestra room, new 6th grade
classrooms, and a flex lab that could be used as a classroom and to support a
childcare program. The district wanted the orchestra space to be special and stand
out from the remainder of the building.
We provided architectural and design services for the project from preliminary,
feasibility stages through construction.
Imagine being an orchestra student with your own featured space, celebrating your talents."
To facilitate the addition, the contractors needed to take over some of the existing
parking as staging/storage area. This required temporary access to be put in place
to support parking during construction.
Architecture: Facility/Master Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Fundraising
Assistance, Architectural Services, Engineering Services, Interior Design,
Budgeting/Scheduling, Regulatory Approvals, Construction Administration.