Schultz Elementary School, Delaware City Schools

At Triad, we work to bring community aspirations to life. We value your vision and strive to build and care for the community you live in and leave for future generations.

  • Project Completion

    July 2021

  • Construction Cost

    $4.8 million

  • Client Contact

    Jason Sherman, Director of Faclities & Transportation 740.833.1100


The district desired to add a new classroom wing to house 4th and 5th grade,
expand the office area, and convert a staging kitchen into a full kitchen. They
wanted the main wing addition to match the existing building but also wanted to
create a special new addition that housed a unique extended learning area (ELA)
that was also the entrance to the playground. They wanted the ELA addition to
stand out from the existing building.


We provided architectural and design services for the project from preliminary,
feasibility stages through construction.

Imagine entering your playground every day through a special place..."


The biggest challenge on the project was phasing. The classroom wing was phased
in the typical fashion by building the addition, moving kids in, and then following
suit for the renovated area. In addition, the kitchen also had to be phased to not
disrupt operations.


Architecture: Facility/Master Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Fundraising
Assistance, Architectural Services, Engineering Services, Interior Design,
Budgeting/Scheduling, Regulatory Approvals, Construction Administration.